Friday, August 17, 2012

Seamus Unleashed

Devo, 'Don¹t Roof Rack Me, Bro! (Seamus Unleashed)'
Devo is about to release a new song about Mitt Romney strapping his family dog to the hood of their car on a 1983 road trip.  Keep in mind, this dog traveled up on the luggage racks for several states (12 hrs about 650 miles).  The dog had defecated liquid down the sides of the car, so naturally, they stopped at a gas station. What would any rational person do?  Hose down the mess and strap-em back on to finish the ride.  The show must go on?

This link has a great article about the new Devo song and you can listen to it. Crossing fingers it gets added to the set list.

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