Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mommy's Off To Work

Dear Max Baer Hanna,

Mommy has to go to work now.  You know I love you very much and I need you to be a good boy while I'm gone on the rock and roll tour.  Listen to Katy and Cici when they are watching you and make sure you take care of Daddy.  He is going to miss mommy too.  We will be talking on the computer so I will see you on Skype everyday. 

When I am gone, do you think you can work on the following action items:
  • Getting yourself dressed in the morning in a timely manner
  • No whining 
  • No more temper tantrums
  • Using your listening skills
  • Asking for a tissue when you have boogers
  • Going to sleep by yourself (big boy stuff)
I will have extra hugs and kisses for you when I get back.  In the meantime, be a brave boy!  There are no monsters or ghosts in the house so not to worry, you are safe and sound in your room.

Child Bribes (def.) If you smile really good, you can have a piece of candy - pose
Let me think about this...

Question of the day:  Do you like to swim?  yes, no, or I don't know?  Answer: Yes, I'm a fish
Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport en route to Seattle

The award for being a "really good reader"
This is where the adventure begins, but actually started here 12 years ago when I met my husband at the EMP Skate Punk Festival.  His band was playing and I was skating.  The rest is history in the making.  This is my friend Beth "beef belly" McDaniel.  She is the most amazing person and I love her!  I just found out that she got engaged 6 months ago so a big congratulations to the happy couple!  I attribute the delay in news to the fact that she is an Insta-grammer and does not use Facebook.  I think I am finally going to break down and join Instagram.  I am already looking forward to coming back for the wedding on Orcas Island.  She was at my wedding and saved the day more than once.  A bartender showed up to work in rags and she snatched him off to the thrift store. She bought him a suit to wear so he wouldn't look like a hungover hobo. She also orchestrated duct tape name tags.  A necessity that I will be sure to pass on at her affair.  She is also known as Black Bean Beth which is funny because the first place she took me was to get some black bean dip. 

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