Thursday, September 6, 2012

Only in Seattle

 I really love this city.  In fact, I found love in this city so that is fitting.  Right underneath this Space Needle.  It always feels good to be back. 

Everyone should keep one of these on hand.  It's completely normal to have this in your house.  In Seattle.

 The first apple I have ever picked off of a tree.  Apples are my favorite fruit and today I plucked two of them off trees during our wilderness walk.  Only in Seattle. 

 This is the restaurant that Beth has worked at on and off for the last 10 years.  She made me eat frogs legs their once.  I told her it was not going to happen this time.  It is absolutely beautiful and looks over the water.  Oddly enough, Beth has never ventured across the street in these past 10 years.  Today was a milestone and she got to see what exactly is across the street.  Whenever I meet someone from Seattle, and mention this place, they know and love it.  A West Side fixture. 
The beach across the street from La Rustica

West Side Sun Dial

Have a Ducky Summer!

 This is a neighborhood community building on the West Side.  We passed it on our way walk to the pool. Apparently, there is an artist who decorates this space (interactively) for every season/holiday.  Ex. - Bubble machine, Bongo Bongo Ducky, fancy lights, disco ball, etc.
 Beth loves to swim and no one will ever go swimming with her.  I would if I lived here and this awesome pool would have been open.  It sits on he edge of the ocean.  She has yet to swim here. 

On the walk to the pool. 

Time to work!  Yes, this is a real job. 

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